The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering’s Engineering Day is a fantastic opportunity for talented students to showcase groundbreaking scientific and technological ideas and products, demonstrating boundless creativity and an unceasing spirit of learning.

The event is honored to welcome the participation of esteemed faculty members and reputable businesses, promising an incredibly valuable opportunity for networking and learning.

Details of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering’s Engineering Day:

  • Time: 8:00 AM, December 14, 2024 
  • Location: A3 Courtyard, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City 

Specially, participating students from the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering will receive the following bonus points for their Student Conduct Assessment:  10 points for K23 and K24 cohorts,  5 points for other cohorts.

Join the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering’s Engineering Day to shine with your talents and ignite your creativity!

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